

Everything About Search Engine Optimization

search engine optimization

Things You Might Have To Know About Search Engine Optimization

Google solely gets 3.5 Billion searches a day. Without a search engine we can’t even our lives as it has became an integral part of it and especially business marketing strategies Too and of course for various purposes , it could be anything like answers or ideas and even services. Digital marketers consider organic search to be the highest Return on Investment (ROI).

SEO is a way that digital marketers use for organic search as marketing channel. It’s a complete guide to Search engine optimization, in which you are going to learn so much , The only thing you need to learn and know is How to rank higher on google , attract Monstrous of traffic.

What Is SEO ?

The Easiest Definition – Search Engine Optimization is what you gotta do to rank higher on google and get Monstrous traffic on your Website.

Among multiple search engines. Google is one of them. There are various search engines like Bing, Yahoo and so on. Even Instagram is a search engine too. But capturing 92% of the market share. Google is the best.

Benefits And Importance of Search Engine Optimization

What if people are searching Manner of things related to your business. So, it is a opportunity to connect with your audience , work with them and become a trustful brand for them.

  • Greater Website Traffic – Increases brand awareness is a result of optimized site on search engine as it gets more traffic.
  • Increased Customer – For optimization , Target Keywords relevant to the terms your audience is searching, so that you get more traffic.
  • Elevated ROI – Invest your money into your website and into online marketing campaigns that revert back to your site. Make it Top-notch because that will increase the fruits of the on-going campaigns, make it worth the investment.
  • Superior Reputation – Your business builds instant credibility , when it ranks higher on google. People will trust you Automatically, when google trusts you.

Whatever you want, Search Engine Optimization is your answer for more Leads, conversions, loyal clients.

Types Of SEO

Search engines like Google or bing and so on consider a criteria when ranking content. There are core 3 types of SEO: On-page, Off-page and technical SEO.

  • On-page SEO- Optimization of content on a page, assuring quality and structure. Keywords and HTML tags are crucial facets for on-page SEO.
  • Off-page SEO- Connecting sites and pages on your site linked to page you wanna optimize. also known as backlinks, Internal linking.
  • Technical SEO- Enhance performance of your site on search engines. Security, UI & UX.

These 3 SEO are majorly used for Websites and Blogs. However, they also employ to 3 three subtypes of SEO.

  • Video SEO- It’s a mixture of all 3 points above to rank your videos in youtube or google video results.
  • Image SEO- It’s a mixture of technical SEO and On-page SEO , so that images on your site pages rank in Google image search.
  • Local SEO- Rank as much high as you can on Google maps and local or nearby results of Search Engine Result Pages (SERP). Google My Business (GMB) profile , reviews or Ratings and listings are too Crucial.

How Does Search Engine Optimization Work ?

So how do google determine to which pages should go on surface in SERP for the queries People put? How does is that possible to convert it into traffic to your site? Let’s see how that Works.

  • Googlebots consistently scan the web, which means it gathers, categorizes and stores billions of pages indexing them. When you find the answers on google and google get results, it is pulling from the index.
  • Algorithms are used by Google which are based on criteria (Ranking Factors), The quality, its relevance, the website it belongs to and so on.
  • Interactions make it more clear which further indicates google how satisfying each web page is, indexing that into the algorithm.

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